As the wet and cold recede your lawn and landscaping needs special attention to be ready for the growing season. Spring is a time of rebirth and the time to revitalize your lawn, landscaping, and plants. Do the following and you’ll have a great lawn to enjoy this summer and fall…
Sharpened Mower Blades Make a Huge Difference
Is your mower blade sharp enough? Your lawn is very similar to shaving. The sharper the blade the better the cut. Sharp blades are a big part of preventing disease. A dull mower blade rips the top of the grass blade leaving it jagged. In return this invites pest, disease and restricts color. The sharper the blade. The cleaner the cut, which helps the grass heal faster and promotes photosynthesis.
What You Need to Clean Up This Spring
- Remove all leaves, branches and other debris that have accumulated over the course of the winter season throughout your property and landscaping
- Haul away all debris
- Trim all shrubs and trees under 20′
- Evenly spread mulch or some other ground cover
- Add a 2″-3″ edge around all landscaping
What You Need to Feed Your Lawn This Spring
In the early Spring your lawn needs an application of fertilizer and a pre-emergent herbicide. The fertilizer will promote early Spring green up and add proper nutritional value for the lawn while it is coming out of its winter dormancy. In addition, a pre-emergent herbicide should be applied
to protect your lawn from crabgrass and grassy weeds.
Please don’t wait until the last minute to schedule your cleanup, fertilization, or application of pre-emergent herbicide. You want to make sure it gets done at the right time so you can make the most of your growing season! A & A can help you with your spring cleanup and one of the 6 steps of our Lawn Care Program is applying fertilizer and pre-emergent herbicide in the spring!
Contact Us (859-384-0266) for a Free Consultation!
About A & A Lawn Care & Landscaping
A & A Lawn Care & Landscaping can beautify your lawn and landscaping using our vast experience in turf grass management. Our complete lawn service is designed for both residential and commercial lawns and we keep your lawn healthy without harming your family, staff, or pets.