When lawn grubs hatch they immediately begin to feed on plant roots, eventually destroying large patches of your lawn, especially when they exist in large numbers.Not only can these pests damage the lawn, but their presence also invites unwelcome wildlife that feed on lawn grubs – digging up patches of grass in search for them. Grub worms are the the larvae of Japanese beetles, are a disaster to any healthy lawn they invade. These C-shaped creatures are off-white in color with darker-colored heads.
Summer Treatments
Mid-summer is when Japanese beetles lay their eggs in sunny spots on a lawn. This means it’s time to act if you see signs of grubs. It can also be beneficial to take preventative measures if your lawn has fallen prey to grubs in the past. Adult Japanese beetles emerge from the soil and begin feeding on many types of plants and ornamentals, leaving skeletonized leaves. Starting in June try using an insect killer. If you haven’t made such a preemptive strike and the beetles are feeding, products that kill on contact and provide systemic protection are most effective.Spraying adult beetles during the summer can prevent hundreds of eggs from being laid, which prevents hundreds of adult grubs from plaguing your lawn the next season.
Fall Treatments
Early autumn is the next best time to control your grub worm population, as this is when larvae are still small and are living close to the surface of your soil. Insecticides can be applied to the top of the soil to kill off both beetles and grubs.The eggs of the Japanese beetles hatch about 10 days after they are laid. The grubs feed from the beginning of August until late October. By the end of October, they are fully grown.
Winter Treatments
Grub damage may appear in home lawns from mid-September to November or from March to early May. However, for low-maintenance lawns, even if the turf is not killed from grub feeding, the thinned and weakened turf may be prone to weeds and drought stress. Also, remember that grubs survive the winter.
Spring Treatments
Spring is the least desirable season to treat for grubs. At this time of year, the bugs are much less susceptible to insecticides because they are larger in size and are not feeding. Frequent rainfalls can also wash away the treatments, rendering all your hard work futile. If you confirmed grub damage the previous fall or spring, meaning you found lots of grubs, then you may want to use a preventive insecticide for one or two years to build a more dense turf that will be tolerant of grubs. If you have treated for several years and you do not see evidence of grubs in your lawn or in the neighbor’s lawn, it may be time to stop treating. There is an erroneous philosophy being perpetuated that because we have Japanese beetles in the area, it is necessary to treat every year or your lawn will be damaged by grubs. This is not true. A well-maintained lawn can help prevent a number of lawn diseases and infestations, including grubs.
- Avoid Overwatering – excessive rainfall and watering help grub eggs hatch. Avoid daily waterings.
- Fertilize – Spring and Autumn fertilization are beneficial to your lawn and can encourage thick turf that will be less attractive to beetles.
- Mow High – Beetles avoid longer grass when looking to lay their eggs. Keep your mower set to a higher level to avoid creating a hospitable environment for beetles.
We’ll work with you to ensure that your lawn is green, healthy, and grub-free. A& A Lawn Care & Landscaping helps residential and commercial clients with their lawns and landscaping all year ’round!
Contact Us (859-384-0266) for a Free Consultation!
About A & A Lawn Care & Landscaping
A & A Lawn Care & Landscaping can beautify your lawn and landscaping using our vast experience in turf grass management. Our complete lawn service is designed for both residential and commercial lawns and we keep your lawn healthy without harming your family, staff, or pets.