Good commercial landscape design is part form and part function. The design should enhance the overall look and image of your building but the design elements should also serve a functional purpose. In order to make the landscape work for you, think about how you want people to interact with your property and what you… [Read More]
Warning Signals To Look For In A Commercial Lawn Care or Landscape Contract…
The contract between you and your landscaping company is the foundation for successful business; with clear terms and open communication, both companies may thrive. Read through your commercial landscape contract thoroughly. Before signing your landscape maintenance contract, look for these crucial items: Is The Price Too Low? If the price seems too low, chances are… [Read More]
How to Protect Your Plants and Trees from the Late Fall, Winter, Snow, Ice, and Animals…
Late Fall/Winter can be a harsh time for in your landscaping and trees. Injury is more prevalent and more severe when low temperatures occur in early fall or late spring, when there is little or no snow cover during the winter or when temperatures stay low for a prolonged duration. Pronounced fluctuations in temperature can… [Read More]
Lawn Maintenance Tips – If You Take Care and Prepare Your Lawn in the Fall, It Will Pay Off in the Spring!
A well-kept lawn can still be a bright green in the fall, and the lawn care you provide in the fall will affect how your lawn looks the following year. Fall is the ideal time to focus on lawn maintenance because the grass roots will have plenty of time to establish themselves by spring. Following… [Read More]
Lawn Care Tips – 3 Things You Need to Do To Your Lawn During the Fall To Get It Ready for Winter!
Although spring lawn care gets all the attention, fall lawn care is the make-it or break-it season for grass. The grass that grows this fall is what will be there next spring. Your lawn goes dormant in the winter. Yes lawns do have one amazing ability, in periods of drought they go dormant and they… [Read More]
Do I Need To Fertilize My Lawn Every Year? Yes and Here are Some Tips on How to Do it Correctly…
Your soil supplies some of the nutrients that turf grass needs but most soils are not able to provide all of them during the entire growing season. A healthy and actively growing lawn uses a great deal of energy. Fertilizer helps your lawn stay healthy by promoting new leaf and root growth. Read on to… [Read More]
Lawn Care Tips – How to Protect Your Lawn During the Winter
Don’t ignore your lawn just because it’s cold outside. Many of the things you have to do to have a healthy lawn come spring starts during the winter, when temperatures begin to drop. Precipitation, freezing temperatures and other elements can affect your lawn’s health during the season of dormancy. Following are a few tips for… [Read More]
Landscaping Tips For Contractors – Getting the Best Results when You have to Lay Sod in the Winter
Homes are built even in the worst winter conditions. Contractors who build homes in the winter months know that nice green lawn will be a major selling point in the spring. Hoping for green grass in the spring they hurry to lay sod in the winter but this can really backfire. Sometimes you just have… [Read More]
Why Your Lawn Needs a Last Fertilization Treatment and Some Maintenance Before Winter Sets In
Keep your lawn in tip top shape by preparing it properly for winter. As the temperature drops, the grass grows slowly. Your turf will react to the cooler weather and enter a period of dormancy. So before that happens in the last weeks of November apply the final lawn fertilization treatment of the year. With… [Read More]
Easy to Follow Tips on Watering Your Lawn For Optimal Lawn Health, Growth, and Beauty! See Videos…
Water is one of the most important requirements your lawn needs to grow and stay healthy. The following watering techniques and recommendations will help you keep a great and beautiful lawn and maximize the efficiency of the the water you use. It’s very important to adjust your watering practices throughout the season to compensate for… [Read More]